The Real Reasons You Are Not Happy

Malika Nadeem
3 min readDec 16, 2023


Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash
  1. Gratitude.

Or the lack of it, thereof.

I know there are times in your life, when you get extremely angry at everything. You just can’t seem to see the “positives" in life. Your flaws are right there, staring in the mirror and it’s hard to be “grateful" or feel anything except negativity clouding your brain. It’s at these times where your faith comes into action.

For me, as a muslim, gratitude holds a special place in my heart. I’m sure there are lots of people here with various religions, but gratitude is something every single person should have.

Whether he is of any religion, culture or race. This is because there are times in life where nothing else matters.

You can have the nicest car in the world, wife/husband, kids, money etc but if you’re not grateful, it doesn’t amount to anything.

I’ve seen people who have everything in the world, and yet, they aren’t happy.

Because money doesn’t buy you happiness and I stand by this. Even having a lot of people doesn’t help if you can’t be happy or grateful for it.

Sometimes, when you have close to nothing, it takes immense power to hold onto gratitude.

And that, brings happiness and wealth alongside it. You can be living in a one-bedroom apartment but you go outside and the sky seems a little brighter.

The leaves rustle and the wind blows, and you smile, hoping for things to turn out alright.


  • Keep a gratitude journal in which you list all the positive things that have happened during the day.
  • Gratitude is essential to happiness.
  • Have you seen people who have nothing, they are so poor. But yet they smile and sit with you and talk as if they own the world.

The Second Reason You Aren’t Happy:

2. Negativity.

No one would like to sit with a negative person all the time.

Suppose you have a friend and he is extremely rich, or maybe he is extremely intelligent and good looking.

But here’s the “fun" part. He’s extremely negative.

God, how am I supposed to be happy when I don’t have that? Did you see that car?! My car is just junk!”

Nah, I’m not good at anything. That man has everything I want. I don’t really have anything, what do you think that man earns?”

You just shake your head, excusing yourself as you puff out a stressful breath and walk away briskly.


  • Negativity is the essence of distress.
  • Let’s face it, nobody likes a negative outlook on life.

The Third and Final Reason is:

3. Stress.

Who would want to “enjoy" the company of an embodiment of stress and unhappiness.

I personally know a person at my uni, I do think about her from time to time. She stresses about everything.

And you know, there are some people who stress but don’t give stress to others. But she just riles you up.

At first I used to listen to her and nod mindlessly while my mind was screaming in agony. Now? I just abruptly say, “Oh that? No I don’t want to think of that right now.

She just gapes at me, like a fish out of water while I smile pleasantly at her.

Does she stop? No, it’s as if her brain is permanently fried up.

She stirs up yet another stressful topic and how it’s so “stressful!”

I know, gets to your head doesn’t it? I just avoid her company now. But whenever she does catch up to me?

It takes quite some time to recover mentally. What I am trying to say is, Please don’t be this person.

Stop being so negative and stressed out all the time. It affects the people around you.

And it affects your entire body as well. It effects your mental state, happiness, and causes a distorted view of life.

I am not saying be positive all the time, that’s impossible. But stay in the moment and don’t give up.

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of the times. If one only remembers to turn on the light. -- Albus Dumbledore.


  • Light up your world. Stop imagining a hundred different scenarios of “what ifs?”
  • But what if everything goes according to plan?
  • Stress is the cause of not just unhappiness, but many diseases as well.

That’s all for today, see you tomorrow!



Malika Nadeem

I love to read and write in my spare time. Cats, writing and non fiction is my main theme. Reach out to me if you want to connect at