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You’re not a Pro, You’re an Amateur

Malika Nadeem
2 min readFeb 18, 2024


People used to tell me I was great at writing, and that I should look into content writing as a side hustle. I was very good at reading books, having read half of my library at that time. Still a teenager, but hey, teenagers in Gen Z were making millions with Youtube.

So I thought why not? Let’s dive right into making millions with freelancing. I created accounts on Upwork, Freelancer and whatnot. I was ready to even be gifted money for my awesome writing. That was my outlook on life. Really nasty I know, it gets better, trust me.

What the Client Said

I applied for jobs, and slapped a few words together. A client emailed me, asking for samples. The client emailed me back after I sent a sloppy sample to her. I still remember that email. It pointed out flaws in my work, telling me I was still an amateur.

She told me to focus on learning first instead of trying to sell stuff no one would buy.

I was horrified.

I deleted that email and shook my head.

I was amazing at writing, people just couldn’t get me, you know?

I had the mindset of a spoiled brat, a person who gets life on a golden plate.

Except I was like that with writing.

God, do I know better now.

Learning is a Process

It takes work, and determination. Learning things, again and again. Writing every single time you get the chance to write. Writing requires discipline. That’s why people make millions with writing.

They are human beings, like you and me.

The difference lies in their attitude.

They developed a learning attitude. Instead of having their nose in the air, they worked for it. They deserve the money they are earning right now.

Focus on improving yourself.

That’s how you become a pro at something you love.

You cannot be a pro at something just because you think you’re good at it.

You need to work for it.


You’re not a pro at something just because you think you are. You need to back up that claim with hardwork and discipline.



Malika Nadeem

I love to read and write in my spare time. Cats, writing and non fiction is my main theme. Reach out to me if you want to connect at